Workshop Series: Blended Reality Verb Collective

Thursday, January 24, 2019
12:00PM to 2:00PM

The Verb Collective is an exciting new venture created as part of the Blended Reality project that aims to make rapid prototyping in Virtual and Augmented Reality faster and easier, while also teaching the basic tools and strategies for using code. By reducing code into small, easily readable pieces based on actions, or verbs, along with simple triggers to call them into function, participants can rapidly create fun and dynamic experiences in a short amount of time. The first half of each workshop with be getting used to using a few select verbs, connected by theme, and the second half will be working to make a unique musical experience with them. No experience required!

Theme, January 24— Relationships:
·     to face
·     to orbit
·     to approach

Workshop Series: Blended Reality Verb Collective

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