CCAM Wednesday Wisdom: Performing Media Artifacts

Wednesday, March 26, 2025
6:00PM to 8:00PM

Join us for this introduction to docudrama and ethnographic theater. You’ll use media artifacts, including the recorded and filmed word, as source. Through interviews and found materials—such as voice memos, filmed speeches, or anywhere a human voice can be recorded— you’ll explore live performance as a way of knowing, by working to (re)present the words of another person verbatim.

This workshop is designed and taught by Francisco Morandi Zerpa (David Geffen School of Drama at Yale, Acting, 2026), and selected as part of the CCAM Wednesday Wisdom Open Call!

Create, discover, and explore—and be part of the CCAM community! Our Wednesday Wisdom workshops explore dynamic intersections of the arts and technology, and are designed and taught by our team, along with collaborators from both on and off campus. Come to CCAM on select Wednesday evenings between September and May for creativity, conversation, and a pizza dinner.

Francisco Morandi Zerpa is a queer actor and verbatim theatremaker from Caracas, Venezuela. He is also an educator and teaches voice and speech for a living. He is a graduate of NYU Tisch School of the Arts, where he was mentored by Anna Deavere Smith. He currently resides in New Haven and is a second-year MFA actor at Yale School of Drama.

Admission Information

This event is free and open to everyone. Registration is not required. Participants will be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis, and room capacity limits will apply.

  • Open to: 
    • Undergraduate
    • Faculty
    • Alumni
    • Yale Postdoctoral Trainees
    • Ages 18
    • Ages 21
    • General Public
    • Graduate And Professional
    • Spouses And Partners
    • Staff
    • Youth And Teen

CCAM Wednesday Wisdom: Performing Media Artifacts

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