CCAM Graduate Fellow Workshop: The Power of Garbage- Explore the Camp Aesthetic and Reemergence of Dadism in the Main Stream with Paul Mortilla

Saturday, November 17, 2018
12:00PM to 2:00PM

“Perhaps some of the most powerful and compelling art of the modern era is meme culture. A single person can sway millions of people by posting a low quality photo on the internet. In my workshop, we will explore the power of memes, audio and visual, and understand the principals that make them so “relatable”. Aside from actual production techniques (photoshop, premiere, and more), we will discuss a large spectrum of topics, ranging from psychology, psychoacoustics, acoustics, politics, economics, and much much more!” - Paul Mortilla

CCAM Graduate Fellow Workshop: The Power of Garbage- Explore the Camp Aesthetic and Reemergence of Dadism in the Main Stream with Paul Mortilla

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